Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's Called A Breakup Because It's Broken

"When hearts break no they don't break even." - The Script-

I find this line to be extremely true. This may be because one party is emotionally stronger than the other. But most of the time, it is because the one party is more aware of the deterioration of the relationship and therefore has more time to prepare.

There are several signs and characteristics of a deteriorating relationship. If we were more aware of these signs, we may be better prepared for break-ups.

1. Withdrawal
Non- withdrawal: Less eye contact, less affection (touching, hugging, etc.) and you will find certain items disappearing such as couple rings/t-shirts/keychains and gifts that were given by the other person.
Verbal: The person will talk less and respond less to what you're saying.

2. Decline in self-disclosure
It is normal, necessary in fact, for a couple to communicate a lot when they are in a relationship. They usually tell each other all the details about their lives and confide in their partners when they face problems and dilemmas. In a deteriorating relationship, this happens less and less. You may often get short replies for questions asked and some may even avoid communication by not replying messages or answering calls for long periods of time.

3. Deception
At this stage, building trust is no longer the priority in the relationship. Some lie to avoid talking about problems by pretending to be busy and therefore have no time to communicate. The worst part about this stage is when a dissatisfied partner starts flirting with other people and perhaps even cheating. Soon, you will find yourself hearing things from those around you and while you would like to trust your partners, it is important to look into what others are saying.

4. Negative versus positive messages
When a relationship is going well, there will be a lot of compliments and terms of endearment all the time. However, at the deterioration stage, all that turns into criticism. You become more judgmental and a lot less patient!

Pay attention to the signs and you could save yourself the shock of an ending relationship or perhaps even work harder to make things right.

Tan Huey Li

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